wqgk 发表于 2020-9-3 09:53:25


本帖最后由 wqgk 于 2020-9-3 15:14 编辑

就是再次重启之后 ,为啥我存储数据同步信息的文件 放到外置硬盘上会报以下的错误?/mnt/sda1/.config/verysync
01:44:46 INFO: Access the GUI via the following URL:
01:44:46 INFO: My name is "OpenWrt"
01:44:54 INFO: kcp:// detected NAT type: Symmetric NAT
01:44:56 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external TCP address to local address
01:44:56 INFO: New NAT port mapping: external UDP address to local address
01:44:56 INFO: Detected 1 NAT service
01:45:03 INFO: Joined relay relay://
^C 01:48:28 INFO: Signal 2 received; exiting
01:48:28 INFO: Relay listener (dynamic+https://relays.verysync.cn/endpoint) shutting down
01:48:28 INFO: Disconnected from relay relay://
01:48:28 INFO: TCP listener ([::]:22330) shutting down
01:48:29 INFO: KCP listener ([::]:52748) shutting down
01:48:29 INFO: Exiting

root@OpenWrt:~# verysync -home /mnt/sda1/.config/verysync
01:49:08 INFO: Starting verysync
01:49:10 INFO: verysync v1.5.5 "Pigeon" (go1.14.6 linux-arm) builder@golinux.local 2020-08-02 03:58:29 UTC
01:49:10 WARNING: Error opening database: rename /mnt/sda1/.config/verysync/index-v0.14.0.db/CURRENT.10 /mnt/sda1/.config/verysync/index-v0.14.0.db/CURRENT: file exists (is another instance of Verysync running?)
01:49:10 INFO: Verysync exited: exit status 1
01:49:11 INFO: Starting verysync
01:49:13 INFO: verysync v1.5.5 "Pigeon" (go1.14.6 linux-arm) builder@golinux.local 2020-08-02 03:58:29 UTC
01:49:13 WARNING: Error opening database: rename /mnt/sda1/.config/verysync/index-v0.14.0.db/CURRENT.11 /mnt/sda1/.config/verysync/index-v0.14.0.db/CURRENT: file exists (is another instance of Verysync running?)
01:49:13 INFO: Verysync exited: exit status 1
01:49:14 INFO: Starting verysync
01:49:16 INFO: verysync v1.5.5 "Pigeon" (go1.14.6 linux-arm) builder@golinux.local 2020-08-02 03:58:29 UTC
^C 01:49:16 INFO: Signal 2 received; exiting

admin 发表于 2020-9-4 16:55:39

请检查是否有别的进程了 ps aux|grep verysync
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 在命令行启动同步,然后终止,再运行命令开启同步错误